EDP101 "Entrepreneurship" module is for all programme.
For AS2023 the following programme will have this module
3 year B Arc
3 year Civil eng. and in-service students
4 year Engineering Geology
4 year Electrical eng.
- Teacher: Nima Dukpa
EDP101 "Entrepreneurship" module is for all programme.
For AS2023 the following programme will have this module
3 year B Arc
3 year Civil eng. and in-service students
4 year Engineering Geology
4 year Electrical eng.
😀Everything Starts at a happy home. Lets start our professional Development by Designing A Happy and Cozy Bungalow😀
Autumn Semester 2017
Welcome to Circuit Theory-I Course. This VLE platform is common to ME, ICE & ECE 2nd year.
This module provides a
platform to understand the basic knowledge of programming and interfacing of
the devices and designed systems with Arduino and Raspberry Pi related to IoT
(Internet of Things). You will be able to understand architecture,
systems and instruction sets of advanced microcontrollers, ATmega328P,
ATmega2560 and Broadcom BCM2835, which are used in Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega
2560, and Raspberry Pi boards, respectively.
Learning outcomes:
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Explain microcontroller architecture and instructions of ATmega328P and ATmega2560 advanced microprocessors.
2. Utilise appropriate serial communication protocols with I/O devices on ATmega328P and ATmega2560.
3. Explain the architecture of the Arduino and all other associated platforms.
4. Write C++ programs for controlling various I/O devices on Arduino.
5. Interface an A/D Converter with analogue output devices on Arduino.
6. Use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal for output devices on Arduino.
7. Explain microcontroller architecture and instructions of Broadcom BCM2835 advanced microprocessor.
8. Utilise appropriate serial communication protocols with I/O devices on Broadcom BCM2835.
9. Explain the architecture of the Raspberry Pi and all other associated platforms.
10. Write Python programs for controlling various I/O devices on Raspberry Pi.
11. Use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal for output devices on Raspberry Pi.
12. Interface the A/D converter chip MCP3008 with analogue output devices on Raspberry Pi.
13. Design different applications of Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
General Objective:
The objective of the module is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the processes and principles that govern the movement and distribution of water in natural systems. Students will gain knowledge of the hydrological cycle and develop an understanding of the variations in the occurrence, movement, and distribution of water in natural systems.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the hydrological cycle and identify variations in flow and dispersion patterns.
2. Evaluate the amount of precipitation using various methods and techniques.
3. Calculate water losses due to evapotranspiration in a hydrological system.
4. Apply the concept of hydrographs in the assessment of surface runoff using different methods.
5. Quantify infiltration amounts using various infiltration methods.
6. Utilize different Hydrometry instruments to estimate stream flow and water discharge.
7. Apply the concept of hydrologic routing and its applications in water resource management.
Follow the instructions below:
General Objective:
The objective of the module is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the processes and principles that govern the movement and distribution of water in natural systems. Students will gain knowledge of the hydrological cycle and develop an understanding of the variations in the occurrence, movement, and distribution of water in natural systems.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the hydrological cycle and identify variations in flow and dispersion patterns.
2. Evaluate the amount of precipitation using various methods and techniques.
3. Calculate water losses due to evapotranspiration in a hydrological system.
4. Apply the concept of hydrographs in the assessment of surface runoff using different methods.
5. Quantify infiltration amounts using various infiltration methods.
6. Utilize different Hydrometry instruments to estimate stream flow and water discharge.
7. Apply the concept of hydrologic routing and its applications in water resource management.
MAT204 is common to 2C, 2E, 2ECE, 2ICE and 2EG
The aim is to provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of probability and statistics, as tools for decision making and expose students to basic theory and practice of statistics, with reference to Engineering disciplines. Develop problem solving abilities through examples and communicate the results graphically in a readily understandable format.
The aim is to provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of probability and statistics, as tools for decision making and expose students to basic theory and practice of statistics, with reference to Engineering disciplines. Develop problem solving abilities through examples and communicate the results graphically in a readily understandable format.
The module will acquaint the students with the applications of Optimization techniques to business and industry. It will also expose students to the significance of various scientific tools & models that are available for managerial decision making.
"Engineering Physics-1 Course Overview:
Unit I: Mathematical Tools applied to Physical Problems
This unit introduces essential mathematical concepts used in solving physical problems. It covers unit conversions, vector operations in different coordinate systems, function plotting, and the distinction between scalar and vector quantities. Students learn to apply these tools to real-world physical examples.
Unit II: Waves
This unit delves into the nature and behavior of waves. It covers both stationary and progressive waves, focusing on waves traveling through stretched strings. Students explore the differential equations governing waves, superposition principles, different types of wavefronts, and the fundamental concepts of acoustics and ultrasonic waves, including their production, detection, and applications.
Unit III: Optics
In this unit, students are introduced to the fundamental principles of optics. Topics covered include the nature of light, interference of light from coherent sources, interference in thin films, the working of Michelson's interferometer, diffraction phenomena, spectrum resolution, and polarization of light. Dielectric and optical materials are also discussed in this context.
Unit IV: Lasers
The unit begins with an introduction to lasers and their underlying principles. Students learn about stimulated absorption, stimulated emission, and spontaneous emission processes. Atomic and molecular spectra are explored, along with concepts of population inversion and pumping methods. Different types of lasers are introduced, including Nd-YAG and CO2 lasers, along with semiconductor lasers. Applications of lasers in various fields, such as welding, cutting, medical applications, and holography, are highlighted.
Unit V: Quantum Mechanics
This unit introduces students to the fascinating world of quantum mechanics. It covers the inadequacies of classical mechanics, Planck's law of black body radiation, Plank’s quantum theory, wave-particle duality, properties of photons, the photoelectric effect, Einstein's photoelectric equation, and applications of photoelectric cells. The Compton scattering phenomenon and its applications are also explored.
Unit VI: Theory of Relativity
The final unit introduces students to Einstein's theory of relativity. It covers both special and general relativity, frame of references, Lorentz transformations of space and time, Einstein's theory of relativity, and the equivalence of mass-energy relation. The Michelson-Morley experiment to determine the velocity of light is explained in the context of special relativity.
List of Practical:
The practical component of the course includes hands-on experiments to reinforce theoretical concepts. Students engage in measurements using tools such as Screw Gauge and Vernier Caliper, studying oscillatory systems, investigating stationary waves, employing a prism spectrometer, exploring light polarization with a polarimeter, and measuring wavelengths of light using various techniques. The determination of Planck's Constant using photocells is also a practical highlight.
Overall, Engineering Physics-1 provides a comprehensive foundation in mathematical methods, wave phenomena, optics, lasers, quantum mechanics, and relativistic physics, along with practical skills essential for the study and application of these principles."
Summer Semester 2016
Winter Semester 2015
Winter Semester 2016